4 FAQ’s: 4A’s Face of Talent

1. What goes on at Face of Talent?

For maip fellows, The Face of Talent is a five-day program marking the culmination of an extensive internship to prepare them for an entry-level agency role.

For agency recruiters, resource managers, and other talent professionals, Face of Talent offers two days of face time with the 2019 maip Fellows. At the Diversity Career Fair + maip Greenhouse, you’ll meet hundreds of entry-level marketing professionals who are ready to bring their diverse experiences and skills to your agency.

2. I’m already going to a career fair—why do I need to attend this one?

Because maip Fellows are the most seasoned entry-level professionals you’re going to find on the job market, having just completed a prestigious and rigorous 22-week agency internship.

With the group’s representation of people of color, women, diverse skill sets, and a range of geographic locations, maip Fellows are uniquely positioned to deliver excellence and new viewpoints to help you move your agency forward.

3. Can I hire a maip fellow on the spot?

Yes! No time like the present. The Diversity Career Fair—and for creatives with portfolios to show, the maip Greenhouse—is a great place to start conversations, and even commitments, with your next new hires.

And you’ll need to act fast: 96% of maip fellows get hired within the first six months after their fellowship.

4. How can I get my agency involved in Face of Talent?

Beyond registering for your tickets to attend the three Face of Talent events—the Diversity Career Fair + maip Greenhouse, the Society of Excellence Awards, and the Diversity Leadership Luncheon—your agency can sponsor a table at the luncheon, giving you great exposure among the most talented entry-level and junior professionals in the business.

For even greater visibility, partnership opportunities for Face of Talent’s events are still available.


Got other questions about Face of Talent? Contact Reema Elghossain, VP–4A’s Foundation–Talent, Equity & Inclusion.