Advertising Industry Diversity Survey

The inaugural 4A’s Advertising Industry Diversity Survey explores diversity representation across the advertising industry in the United States.

As employees, clients, and the public increasingly demand that the organizations they work for or do business with model values of equity and inclusion, organizations need to invest in robust and sustainable programs to drive meaningful change.

Every agency is on its own path to creating a more inclusive workplace. Whether that journey has just begun with the first steps taken to measuring representation and inclusivity, or if it’s already well on the way with the prioritization of inclusion initiatives, our data shows that there’s plenty of work to do.

This diversity survey helps you bring clarifying data to a complex topic. The data shows you if, where, and how different groups of employees are represented, developing and staying within the industry.

The demographic data collected in this survey was modeled on EEO classifications and represents the best starting point. However, your organization should be looking to send strong signals to employees about your diversity ideology. The inaugural survey did not venture into the invisible factors around socio-economic, disability, veteran, family and faith-based factors.

The survey was conducted electronically, and respondents form a convenience sample. There is no margin of error, as it is not a random sample of the total industry. It is assumed to be representative of the advertising industry in the United States of America.

The 4A’s Advertising Industry Diversity Survey is the first diversity survey focused solely on the advertising industry in many years. The survey was voluntary, and data was collected from independent and holding company agencies, both members and non-members.

Data provided remains confidential, only aggregated data will be shared externally. In some cases incomplete data was provided, some anomalies may occur and have been noted.

The 4A’s is not responsible for the accuracy of data supplied by its members and nonmembers for the purposes of the survey. The 4A’s collected data, merged, and aggregated data provided.

All recommendations or conjecture contained within the report, represents the view of the 4A’s and does not relate to any individual agency or organization.

For more information or to order a copy of this survey report, please contact Helen Miranda at [email protected].