Cultural Competence in a Virtual Workplace Series

Brought to you by The 4A’s and Natasha Bowman

The agency world—like the rest of the country— was struggling with cultural competency long before COVID-19. It is vital that we get it right now. Not only because of the glaring injustices that have shaken the nation but because of the millions of smaller injustices we all too often inflict and endure.

In the new virtual workplace, you’re “always-on” in your own home, and the way you show up (camera on or off? personal living space or virtual background?) is fraught in new ways. Yet there are also unique opportunities for authentic connection and engagement. In this webinar series, Natasha Bowman will discuss how to build cultural competence in your virtual workplace.

Episode 1: Virtual culture of inclusion and belonging

POD icon OverviewIn our new workplace reality, we are faced with the question of how the concept of inclusion changes when physical connectedness is not an option. Building a culture of virtual inclusion in the workplace can give employees a sense of psychological safety from working in a safe space. But some unexpected threats could emerge, too.

POD icon  During this discussion, we will discuss how to maintain your culture of inclusion and belonging by:

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Episode 2: Respectful communication behind virtual walls

POD icon OverviewCreating a sense of belonging and inclusion is just as fundamental in the physical workplace as the virtual environment. However, the loss of face-to-face interactions sometimes results in our losing meaningful communication through body language and voice. But you can help ensure that all employees have a voice even when disconnected physically.

POD icon  During this discussion, we will discuss:

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Episode 3: Implicit bias in the Virtual Workplace

POD icon OverviewUnconscious bias isn’t unique to our pandemic-oriented shaped world. Leaders need to be aware that virtual work teams’, biases, and assumptions can wreak havoc if left unchecked, especially when conducting business through calls and virtual meetings.

POD icon  During this discussion, we will explore:

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Episode 4: Navigating the challenges of inclusion and belonging as you “return to the office.” 

POD icon OverviewUnconscious bias isn’t unique to our pandemic-oriented shaped world. Leaders need to be aware that virtual work teams’, biases, and assumptions can wreak havoc if left unchecked, especially when conducting business through calls and virtual meetings.

POD icon  During this discussion, we will explore:

Click here to register for this webinar.

About The Facilitator

Natasha Bowman, JD, SPHR, an award-winning, modern-day pioneer of workplace equality, has labored to transform the American workplace from the inside out. As a champion for employees, she’s worked with a broad range of organizations as a c-suite healthcare HR executive to create engaging environments in which employees are respected, genuine leaders are cultivated, and top performance is achieved. Because of her ability to diagnose workplace issues and provide proven solutions to organizations, she is often referred to as The Workplace Doctor.